Friday, January 11, 2013

Week 31

One more week until we enter the 8th month. Wow! That is hard to believe!

About Baby: At 31 weeks, Alexandra is having major brain and nerve development. All 5 of her senses are fully developed now. Her irises can even react to light, although when she is born her eyesight will be poor at just 20/400. She is gearing up for a growth spurt and is going to be gaining 1/2 pound per week from here until she is born. Everything is fully developed except her lungs, which need a little more "baking" before she enters the world. She is approximately 15 1/2 inches long and space is getting more crowded for her.

How am I feeling? That cough that I had is still hanging on and got worse with going back to work. After coughing to the point that it hurt during work on Thursday, I went to urgent care and got a prescription for an antibiotic called Omnicef (also known as cefdinir). I have to take it for 7 days but the coughing should subside. It was getting painful! Alexandra does not seem bothered by it so that is a good thing. Going back to work this week has definitely taken a toll and I find myself more tired. I am looking forward to relaxing this weekend, especially given the cough and doctor's orders to rest!

Movement: Alexandra is still a calm baby (which we hope continues once she is out in the real world). I am easily getting in the required kick counts every day, but she often goes a long time between kicks. She does not seem to have a specific time though and likes to keep me guessing. I am thankful that she is not hurting me, but would like to feel more regular kicks and movements for reassurance, especially while I am coughing and on antibiotics. I know that her kicks is something I will miss when she arrives.

Updates: I passed my 3 hour glucose test and am so happy to report that I do not have to worry about gestational diabetes. I had my 3rd non-stress test and Alexandra seemed to be doing very well. At every non-stress test they also do a quick ultrasound. Alexandra was in her usual position with her legs over her head. My silly girl! She is breach and I can even feel her head when I cough. She has 9 more weeks to move head down and seems to be in no hurry at all.

Food: I am back to struggling with food. On Wednesday night I had a hamburger (no bun) and baked potato. My body did not like that and I woke up with bad acid reflux, despite having tried to preempt it with Mylanta!

Prepping for Baby: We received so many wonderful items at the Phoenix baby shower and now it is time to start putting the nursery together. The dresser, crib and changing table have arrived. The glider (chair) has been ordered and should be here soon. Next week, Dave's dad will be coming out to help put everything together. I am excited because that means I can start putting things away and setting up the nursery. I also need to make a priority to start putting together my bag for the hospital. A few ladies who are due in March have already had their babies so the reality is that Alexandra could decide to arrive at any time. I do, however, constantly urge her to stay put until March!

And of course, this weeks bump photo:

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