Friday, February 22, 2013

Week 37

We are FULL TERM with just 21 days until Alexandra's estimated due date!

About Baby: At 37 weeks, Miss Alexandra should weigh more than 6 pounds. She gains 1/2 ounce to 1 ounce per day. She is ready for the outside world, although a little more "baking" time would be best.

How am I feeling? Okay. I have definitely felt more tired this week. The swelling in my feet and ankles is worse. Just putting on socks today gave me a thick indentation, so I decided to cut the elastic part off and it made a big difference. Then as the day wore on, it got warmer and now I can wear sandals! I went to the respiratory doctor for my cough and he thinks it may be caused by acid reflux. Now I am taking Zantac twice a day. It has only been a couple of days so it is too early to tell if it is working. I am convinced that within days of Alexandra's arrival, the cough will go away! I woke up Wednesday night with a horrible cramp in my left leg. Getting out of bed stopped the cramp, but almost 48 hours later my left calf muscle is still very tight and painful. I need a leg massage!

Movement: There is so little room for Alexandra that I mostly feel rolls and wiggles now. She is still liking to push her bottom as high up as she can, making it sometimes hard for me to breathe. She had the hiccups this afternoon and has them frequently. This is a good sign as she practices breathing!

Updates: I had an OB appointment on Wednesday. Now I will start going weekly. My total weight gain is just 16 pounds (of which 6 is her) so I am well under the recommended amount! In addition, I found out that I was negative for Group B Strep. Since I am allergic to many antibiotics, this is wonderful news. If I had been positive, I would have needed an IV of antibiotics during birth. I feel quite fortunate that I have not developed stretch marks like many other women do. My belly button is stretched quite thin, but has never popped out.

Food: I love oranges right now and eat two a day! They taste better than apples which used to be my fruit addiction. I also am very happy that strawberries are starting to come into season! I had mac and cheese for lunch and that tasted really good. I have started thinking about what I really want to eat once Alexandra arrives and have decided that I will be sending Dave to Von's to get me a rare roast beef sandwich. Deli meat is on the what-not-to-eat list so I have been avoiding it for the last 9 months.

Prepping for Baby: On Wednesday night, I attended a breastfeeding class. It was both informative and interesting. I do feel a little overwhelmed though by the recommended number of times they want baby to feed in the first few days of life! They also gave us a chance to practice positioning baby and swaddling. I will have to practice at home with a stuffed animal so that I feel more confidant when Alexandra arrives.

The birthing class finally went off as planned on Thursday. We watched some videos, learned about dilation and effacement and what birthing options there are. We will have one more class next week. There is another woman at the class who has the same due date as me!

My hospital bag is getting packed, but is not complete yet. I must do that this weekend! And then I need to start working on making some freezer meals for the first week or so that we are home.

This Coming Week: I have non stress tests Monday and Thursday, an OB appointment Thursday and birth class Thursday. Boy am I going to be tired for Friday, but the good news is that it will be my last day of work before maternity leave!!

This weeks bump photos! Dave was taking the pictures so quickly that he made me laugh!

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