All that eating has helped her gain at least 1 inch in length. We measured her and she is 26 inches now, maybe even a tad longer. Using the imprecise method of weighing myself alone and then myself with her, she came out at 16 pounds. Since our scale rounds up, I think she is probably closer to 15.5. Either way, she has definitely added some weight! She is still on the petite side for her age and can still wear some 0-3 size including this outfit. Some of her 3-6 month clothes are almost too tight, but others are way too big. It seems that the trend of not being able to have consistency in women's clothing extends to baby girls as well.
She is really rolling around a lot now and getting better at scooting every day. She easily moves between tummy and back these days, although she still cries for help every now and then. Alexandra is able to sit up without help for about 1 minute. We are always sitting close by and she is still very wobbly at times.
Today she sat in a restaurant high chair for the first time. She loved it and is getting fussy whenever she has to be in her car seat. Last night, she sat in a shopping cart for the second time. She was crying and screaming in the car as we drove from dinner to Babies R Us. As soon as we put her in the shopping cart she got quiet and started looking all over the place.
Alexandra has been going to bed early lately and seems exhausted about 7:30. I expect an early bed time tonight since she has fought naps all day today. Finally she is sleeping, although for how long is yet to be seen.
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