Its my 1/2 birthday! I am 6 months old! Wow - time flies when you are having fun!
I have lots of nicknames. Mommy calls me Smiley Girl and Sweet Stuff. Grandma Janet calls me Cute Stuff, Queen of Adorable and Sweet Pea. Both call me Sunshine, particularly in the in "Good Morning Sunshine!" and Prune Face when I have prunes all over me after eating them! Daddy also calls me Sweet Pea and Lady A (that you already knew). Everyone calls me Sweet Girl. I love all the nicknames and give lots of smiles!
I want to explore my world and am ready to start crawling. Now if I could just get my arms and legs to cooperate, I would be unstoppable! I am getting really good at sitting on my own. When someone sits me on the ground, I can stay up for a whole minute before I topple over. Mommy says soon I will be able to sit up from when I am lying down. I really am not excited about lying down unless I am taking a nap or on my play mat. In fact, I did not want to cooperate for this month's laundry basket photo. Mommy and grandma got a couple of photos before I started crying.
I love playing with my toys. Everything goes in my mouth. There is no object off limits as far as I am concerned. I have tried to taste mommy's phone and other items she owns, but she does not let me. I don't know why I can't taste them! My favorites are my monkey (Keko), Sophie the Giraffe, items that hang from my play mat like a giant ladybug, and my musical turtle. Oh and I love my feet. They taste so good and my hands. Sometimes I even try to see how mommy and grandma's hands taste. I don't think they are as good as mine are.
I know mommy has told you how much I love my food. I am really good at feeding myself. Yes, some of it does end up all over my face, but I like it that way. In fact, I get really angry and start crying when mommy or grandma try to clean my face after a meal. Pears, peaches and prunes are my favorite. I smack my lips after I eat them (and after I drink my milk) to show how yummy they are. Speaking of milk, I am learning sign language. Mommy, Marivel and Grandma all make a sign with their hands when they say milk. They make a fist and open and close it. They also are teaching me Spanish. Leche is the word for milk and I know what milk is when they ask if I want some.
Mommy thinks I am funny. Last night, I tried to drink my bottle and put my pacifier in my mouth at the same time. Mommy laughed so much. I laugh too sometimes, but I was serious about wanting both at the same time. She tried to take my photo, but was not successful. Speaking of cameras, I want mommy's. I try to grab for it all the time. I can't wait until I am old enough to have my own! Mommy is doing a 365 day photo challenge and has all but 2 days of my life so far. She did not start until July so realized that there were two dates in May that she somehow failed to take a photo of me. I really do not understand how that happened considering there are over 4,300 photos in her file folder entitled "Alexandra." I wonder if that is how many she will take over the next 6 months?
I love to read and have many books. Everyday Marivel reads to me. Sometimes I also get a bedtime story from mommy. Most nights I am just too tired to focus. I just got some new books about Halloween. I am looking forward to this holiday as it sounds like fun. I am going to be Minnie Mouse this year. I have my costume all picked out and hope it fits me by Halloween.
I really enjoy meeting new people and am a real people watcher. Yesterday mommy and grandma took me to Aliso Viejo (in Orange County) to see the Allens, Rifkins and D'Souzas! It was lots of fun but it made me really tired and cranky. As a result, I went to bed early last night.
I got to meet baby Jacob who is only 1 month old. You would think he would be tiny, but he is as big as me. In fact, his feet are bigger than mine. My foot is the one on the left. I can't wait until he is older and we can play together. Here are a couple of pictures to share:
Thanks for reading my blog. I know some of you only read my monthly updates, but my mommy is a pretty good writer too and you should check out her weekly updates while you are here. See you on October 16th!
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