About Alexandra: We visited the doctor this afternoon and found out that Alexandra grew 2 whole inches in 21 days! She is now 25 inches long and weighs 12 pounds 12 ounces. The doctor told us to change her formula because he thinks she might have an intolerance to the milk based formula so we are now trying the soy based. He also suggested we start her on veggies instead of fruits, so I bought some peas for her to try out this week!
Now for the good stuff - Kauai! We wrote Alexandra's name in the sand at our favorite beach in Kauai at Hanalei Bay and took this fun picture to share with her some day!
What's New: This section will be extra long this week. Alexandra had flown before to Colorado and back, but this time she was flying 3 times as far for about 6 hours each direction. We flew Alaska Airlines and were fortunate enough to upgrade for a very minimal fee so Alexandra had her first trip in First Class! She liked it because she could spread out!
Alexandra also had her first swim this week...and her second, and third, etc. She LOVED the water! We tried to take her in the pool for about 15 minutes each day. She would kick her legs and give us big smiles. Here are some pictures from her various swims.
Sitting in a high chair was another new experience for this week, as was trying applesauce. We found that Alexandra liked the high chair as long as we did not try to put her in it when she was hungry. Once she ate and we put her in it to free up our hands for dinner, she was fine. We tried a couple of teaspoons of applesauce and I don't think she really cared for it judging by the expression in the last photo!
No trip to the islands is complete without a luau. Alexandra LOVED the show. She sat on grandma's lap the whole time and followed the dancers and even started trying to dance to the music. She was wide-eyed and alert the entire time! Unfortunately I do not have a picture of that, but here is one from the luau.
And Alexandra put her feet in the sand for the first time at the beach. We did not take her down to the water, but she certainly found the sand to be strange between her toes!
A Funny Story:
We were in the Kauai airport when I noticed a woman who looked very familiar. I searched my memory and came up with the notion that I had met her at an "after loss" luncheon in San Diego last summer. I asked and sure enough, I had met her once before. We had to take a photo since I have been able to meet up with so many of the women from that group! Here is Theresa and Nicole with us. Nicole is 14 months old.
Photos: Here is an official 19 week photo taken on Saturday with her monkey. We named the monkey "Keko" which is the Hawaiian word for monkey. She loves both him and her Sophie Giraffe!
More Fun Photos:

There are a ton more photos of our vacation! Click HERE to check them out on Shutterfly!
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