Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Four Months

Hello Readers,

Alexandra here. It has been a crazy busy month for me. Hopefully you have been reading mommy's weekly blog and are all caught up on my many adventures. I met so many new people, had my first airplane flight, earned my third state, visited the doctor and learned some new things. I have a lot more to say now that I have found my voice. My babbling has become more complex and I can vary my pitch. Here is a video for you. I hope you speak baby so you can understand what I am saying because I do not have a translator.

I sleep 10-11 hours per night. I start getting cranky about 8:30 so mommy swaddles me and puts me to bed. She calls it "burritoing the baby." I make some noises and then am asleep within 10 minutes. I usually sleep until at least 6:30, and many times until 7:30.

I am now big enough that I am getting tons of new clothes to wear. I can still wear most of my 0-3 month clothes, but they are so "last month." Now mommy is phasing in 3-6 month clothes and it is fun to have something new to wear, especially since I am a fashionista.

Mommy thought it was fun to take this picture on my butterfly blanket (from Uncle Bob and Aunt Sarah) and to make me look like a butterfly. She is always taking my picture! Most of the time I just look at her, but occasionally I will smile. I smile all the time, just not when she wants me to for a picture.

One of my favorite things about this warm weather is our nightly walks. I can now sit up in my stroller (as long as I am strapped in) and so I can see more things. Mommy is really good at pointing out leaves and flowers. I have even met some puppy dogs. Walking has a calming affect on me. There are times when I am quite cranky and as soon as mommy puts me in the stroller and we are out of the house, I start looking at all the cool things and am a happy girl! Here are some pictures of me from recent walks.

I really love my feet. I can spend hours just holding them (okay so it is more like several minutes). They are really interesting. Mommy helps me do what she calls lap surfing too. I am so proud of myself that I can stand on her legs while she holds me up. I am getting good and learning to push off and brace myself so I can stay standing longer. It is so much fun. Mommy tells me not to try to stand too soon, that there is plenty of time for that, but I just want to explore my world. Often when I am on her lap, I will bend way over to one side to get a better look at things. I have been working on tummy time too. I can really hold my head up now, but I just have not figured out how to roll over or what to do with my legs. Mommy said she never really crawled but went from sitting to standing. Maybe that is my destiny too since I am just not that interested in scooting. Here I am during tummy time!

Mommy gave me a present for my 4 month birthday...a Sophie the Giraffe. Many of my baby friends have them and so I am excited to get one too. Since I love to put things in my mouth, it is the PERFECT gift!!! Thanks mom! Here I am with my new toy. Aren't we cute?

Well it is nap time so I will sign off for another month! I will see you in August!


Here are my official 4 month photos. I was not very cooperative for mommy. It was more fun to eat my blanket and Mr. Bear's ribbon than to pose and smile for the camera! Maybe we will try again later, but in a different outfit. Its only 9:30 and I am in my 3rd outfit of the day now! I just love changing my clothes multiple times per day!

1 comment:

  1. Perfect Alexandra! You are such a cutie! Love your babbling video and all your comments. Love you!
