Because I am behind in blogging, I don't have much to write for this week. I went back to work and Alexandra was happy to have time with Marivel and Dylan again. Alexandra continues to get better and better at both crawling and cruising.
She knows how to hug. When we give her the Spanish word "abracito" or tell her to "love the zebra (or mommy or whatever), she leans in and makes her happy whimper sound. It is so cute.
This week included visits with both grandmas. Grandma Sara came to visit for a couple of hours and Grandma Janet watched Alexandra on Saturday while Dave and I went to a Toastmasters event.
She tried papaya this week which she liked at first, but now only likes mixed with pears. She loves yogurt, especially peach, but is uninterested in finger foods so far. She only has two bottom teeth, so she will be more interested once she has some upper teeth.
Sleep was quite a challenge this week. Alexandra would wake up crying and then fall back asleep in my arms. But as soon as I put her back in her crib, she was up again and crying. One night this happened three separate times. I think part of it was that she caught the family cold and was stuffed up. I think another part is just growth.
That is all I can think of for now.
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