Saturday, October 5, 2013

Week Twenty Nine

Another week is gone! Alexandra had a doctor's appointment on Friday. She is 15 pounds 11.5 ounces and 26 inches long. She got three shots and handled them well.

Alexandra has been eating like crazy this week. The doctor told us to up the amount of solid food we are giving her so now she will have 2 ounces twice a day. We plan to give her fruit in the morning and vegetables in the evening. She did try a new food this week, squash, and seemed to like it. Alexandra insists on feeding herself. We get the spoon ready, then she grabs it and turns the spoon over to lick off the food.

In true "Mama-ratzi" form, I took a ton of pictures this week. I even experimented with some outdoor photos of Alexandra and then did some editing with Picasa. It was fun to experiment, although my subject was a little bit challenging on the cooperation side. She was more interested in putting things in her mouth or staring at the trees than posing for this photographer.

Alexandra has started laughing a lot more. She laughs when I kiss her on her tummy while changing a diaper. She laughs (or screams depending on her mood) when we wash her face after she eats. Every day I see more and more of her personality emerging and it is so fun!

Alexandra is becoming more and more mobile. She can scoot several inches at a time and soon will be fully crawling. She uses her arms to help move her forward.

The doctor said he felt teeth under her gums and I think a tooth will appear soon. She wakes me up several times a night with little cries that many people tell me may be an indication of teething, plus she drools, and drools, and drools.

Grandma Sara is in town and so Alexandra is having a "Two Grandma Weekend" and loving it! Extra attention and extra cuddles - what more could a girl want?

That is about it for this week, so here are some more photos from this week! Enjoy and check in next Saturday for week 30. Really? Did I just type that? Wow!!!

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