Friday, August 16, 2013

Five Months

Hello Loyal Readers! I can't believe it is time to write another update for you. Didn't I just turn 3 months last week?

So much has happened this month and I am a completely different baby than I was a month ago. Well, maybe not, but I really have grown both mentally and physically. I have added 2 inches in height since July 8th and 4.5 ounces in just one week. I now weigh 13 pounds 7.5 ounces and am 25 inches long.

This month I started on solid foods. First I tried applesauce which was just okay. Then mommy gave me peas which I liked. On Wednesday, she gave me my first taste of prunes. Yummy. They were so good. I did not want mommy feeding me so I took the spoon from her and this is what happened. And yes, I did actually get some food IN my mouth!

I have gotten really good at tummy time! I roll over from my back to tummy all the time. I still have not figured out how to roll from tummy to back and so I cry until someone flips me back over if it happens when I am in my crib. Here is a photo taken this week. Aren't I cute?

I have a nanny now who takes good care of me while mommy and daddy are at work. We have a good time together playing, doing tummy time and reading books. She wears me out with all the fun activities so I am ready to go to bed earlier these days. Miss Marivel speaks Spanish to me and is starting to teach me some baby sign language. Some times her son, Dylan, is here and he hangs out with me too. He is a big kid at 7 years old. He even brought me a book that was his and he did not need any more. That was so nice of him.

Mommy had to get up really early and leave the house at 6 AM on Wednesday for her first day of school with students. I usually sleep until 7, but wanted to make sure to see her that morning so was wide awake at 5:45 to say goodbye.

I love when my daddy walks me around a restaurant after he is done eating so that I can see all the people. I am quite a "people watcher" and really study the faces of people I meet.

Here are some of my 5 month photos. As you can see, I have grown a lot and can almost sit up by myself.

And a laundry basket picture. I barely fit lengthwise now and try to sit up.

I had a doctor's appointment and shots today. That has made me cranky so I am going to ask mommy to finish the blog. Next time I write, it will be for my 1/2 birthday! See you in September. In the meantime, make sure to check out the weekly updates mommy writes every Saturday.


Mommy here. Alexandra continues to amaze me each week with her intelligence and sweet personality. Its hard to believe that a year ago I was just barely pregnant with her and now she is 5 months old! She has accomplished so much in the last month and while I want to keep her small for as long as I can to cuddle her, I can't wait to see what is next. She is starting to scoot a little bit during tummy time, so crawling should follow in the next couple of months. I think she will probably be sitting on her own in another month.

There is not much else to report for this week as Alexandra included much of what I would have said. Next Saturday I will update again at 23 weeks and hopefully have some fun things to report.

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