Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Alexandra's Birth Story

Because I am older, my OB scheduled an induction for 8:00 AM on 3-15-13, my estimated due date. We arrived at the hospital and had some tests run including a bio physical profile that guessed her weight to be 7 lbs. I was 0 cm and barely effaced. At 11:15, I took my first dose of cytotec. At 12:45 I started experiencing contractions. By 3:00, I was getting contractions 2-3 minutes apart. At 3:15 a cervical check was done and I was still 0 cm, barely effaced and there was no engagement. I was frustrated!

At 8:30, I was given a dose of Procardia to reduce my contractions so that they could try a second dose of cytotec. At 10:45 PM, the second dose was given and I finally was 1/2 cm dilated and 30% effaced. By 2:30 AM, I was 1 cm and 50% effaced. I was given a dose of pain meds to try to relax. At 4:30, I lost the mucus plug and was about 2 cm. The contractions started coming on strong and I felt them mostly in my back. I was trying so hard to hold out on an epidural until I was more dilated, but gave in at 5:00. The epidural stopped the pain and from then on, all I could feel were contractions and not even all of them. I was 80% effaced by that time.

By 7:15, I was 5 cm and 80% effaced. My girl started experiencing some mild decelerations with many contractions and so a Fetal Scalp Electrode was inserted to monitor her better. By 7:45 my water had broken and an amnio infusion was done because there were regular fetal heart rate drops with each contraction. By 10:00 I was 7 cm. At 11:20, I was approaching 8 cm and nearly 100% effaced so we started Pitocin at noon. Soon after, I developed a slight temperature. At 12:30, there was such a deceleration during one contraction that I was given oxygen and my husband swears OR was prepped for a birth right then. We decided then to stop the Pitocin. I was still at 8 cm. There was still no change by 3:00 and so a decision was made to do a C-section as they thought there was pressure being put on the umbilical cord and I was still not fully dilated.

At 3:56 PM, Alexandra Suzanne was born! It turns out that the cord was wrapped around her shoulder. Dave got to hold her before I even got to see her. All I could hear were here first screams and I got tears in my eyes. I had to ask Dave twice how big she was because I could not believe it when they said 8 lbs 4 ozs. Big baby! My mom even got to hold her before I did while I was in recovery. The first time I saw her, they held her to my face. It was hard to focus because we were cheek to cheek. Her cheek was so soft and I kept saying, "I'm your mommy."

Notes: Dilation refers to how open the cervix is from closed (0 cm) to open and ready for birth (10 cm). Effacement refers to hold thin the cervix is and is from 0% to 100%. Engagement refers to baby's position from high (+4) to low (-4). The ideal is as low as can be!

And without further delay, meet our lucky charm, Alexandra Suzanne Myers!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers 

Here are some other photos from her birth day:  

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