Friday, February 8, 2013

Week 35

We have reached the milestone known as 35/35 - that means we have completed 35 weeks and have 35 days to go!

About Baby: At 35 weeks, the majority of Alexandra's growth is complete. All she is doing for the next five or so weeks is adding fat and increasing her brain power. She probably weighs about 5 pounds now and is between 18-20 inches long. She should not grow any longer, but will add on a little more weight.

How am I feeling? Tired and sore. The soreness is due to coughing. The tiredness is because I feel like I sleep an hour and a half at a time. My hands are still numbing up during the night despite now wearing two long braces. While it is better than before, I often feel pain in my thumb or elbow. And then when I wake up in the morning, it takes at least an hour for the numbness to stop. Imagine my challenges with getting ready for work! The swelling in my feet has been worse, but my doctor is not concerned because my blood pressure is normal. I have been noticing more tightening of my tummy which is Braxton Hicks contractions. These are practice contractions and are perfectly normal.

Movement: As she gets more and more crowded, Alexandra cannot make the big movements she once did. More often I feel what I would describe as twitches or shifting. She seems to like to scoot her little bottom up right under my ribs!

Updates: I had an OB appointment on Thursday and all was good. They gave me the Group B Strep test and hopefully I am negative. A woman carrying this needs antibiotics so that is is not passed on to the baby during delivery. I also got a referral to a pulmonary doctor because my cough is now in its 5th week! I tried to call today, but they had left work early.

Food: Not much in the way of food changes this week. I am still experiencing heartburn, so am making sure to take Mylanta and Tums when needed!

Prepping for Baby: There has been major progress in the nursery and I hope to have it finished this weekend.   Most of the clothes and blankets have been washed and put away. The bedding is on the crib. The Hawaiian theme is really cute and is coming together nicely. I love the bright pink and orange bedding and accents.  We still have a couple of things to put on the walls and other items that need to be put away, but we are getting close. Here are a few pictures:
Hopefully, the nursery will be finished on Sunday and then I can post whole room photos!

Dave and I had the hospital tour on Wednesday and it was very informative. Each woman gets her own birthing suite complete with shower. Not only is it private, but very large. Once Alexandra is born, she will stay in my recovery room with me unless I need a shower, at which point she will be watched in the nursery. This is supposed to aid in bonding between mom and baby. The nurse we met was very nice and quite knowledgeable. We were supposed to have our first birth class this week, but it was cancelled as the teacher was ill.

My mom and I visited a day care near my work. It was recommended by a co-worker of mine. They only have 3 infants right now. It is a large day care but infants are kept in a separate room and we were both impressed with the cleanliness, friendliness of staff and overall feel. My struggle is with deciding whether she should be near me or near/at home since I commute 30 minutes to work. I also want to investigate the idea of a nanny who could come to our house. Thankfully I have some time before I will need either in August.

This Coming Week: I have a non stress test Monday, a growth scan ultrasound on Thursday and our birthing class on Thursday. It promises to be a full week. Dave and I are looking forward to this ultrasound to find out how big our little girl is and to get an estimate of how much she will weigh. This will probably be the last major ultrasound. I will continue to have my mini ones as part of the non stress tests right up until delivery.

This weeks bump photos:


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