How am I feeling? During the day I feel great. However, I am having trouble sleeping due to pain and numbness. If I sleep on my left side (which is recommended), I wake up with terrible hip pain and have to walk around to get it to stop. If I switch to my right (which was my more comfortable side before pregnancy), then I wake up with pain in my arm and my hand completely numb. Oh the joys of pregnancy!
Movement: I have definitely been feeling more regular movement throughout the entire day. Before it was only at night or a few isolated kicks. Now I notice her more. Of course because I said that she is super quiet today. Her favorite time seems to be evening, so perhaps she will be a night owl like mommy rather than an early riser like daddy! One can only hope!
Updates: I have my glucose test on Monday where I get to drink a really sugary drink, then wait an hour for blood to be drawn. I am hoping that I pass this one hour test and do not have to do the three hour test!
Food: I notice that I am hungrier this week, but still can only eat the same limited food items. I am very thankful for chocolate milk as it quells some hunger pains and helps with heartburn. The other day I made some snickerdoodle cookies and had to sample one. That was a big mistake as it gave me the worst heartburn imaginable. I wonder if it was the cinnamon?
Prepping for Baby: There is so much to do! In two weeks I will be on break and hope to check some things off my list like interviewing pediatricians and scheduling some classes. We have not acquired anything new this week.
Funny Story: My students are asking daily what her name is and since we have not chosen one yet, my 2nd period decided to help. The problem is that the names they came up with were just not acceptable. Here are some of their suggestions: Davina (to name her after Dave), DaSusan (a combo of Dave and Susan), Bretina (suggested by a student named Bret), and several others too awful to mention. Many of the boys in my class try to come up with female versions of their own names.
Here is our weekly photo taken by the lily ponds at the Huntington Library:
Give the students credit for trying to be helpful! They are obviously excited for you. You will have to take her in to school to visit this spring so they can all meet Lucky!