This week's first photo shows Miss Alexandra riding her brand new tricycle that she got for Christmas. She has not been able to ride it much due to cold weather and rain. The second one is in her new pajamas and robe checking out what Santa brought her. Christmas was so exciting this year watching her joy in opening presents and decorating the tree.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Thursday, December 24, 2015
A Photo a Week in 2015 - #51
It's Christmas Eve and that means I am on vacation. We have been spending the week getting ready for Christmas and playing at the park. The second picture was taken at our annual Chili and Cheer party.
Thursday, December 17, 2015
A Photo a Week in 2015 - #50
In most parts of the country, the leaves fall off the trees starting in September, but then this is California and we have our "fall" for a few short weeks in December! This week we had a community party and got to decorate Christmas cookies. Miss A loved adding sprinkles and skittles.
Thursday, December 10, 2015
A Photo a Week in 2015 - #49
Another trip to the beach to visit Grandma Sara and Uncle Alex too place this week. In addition, Miss Alexandra has her little Christmas tree decorated and is ready for Christmas!
friends & family,
photo of the week
Thursday, December 3, 2015
A Photo a Week in 2015 - #48
Today was Alexandra's 18th flight! We flew 1st class home from Seattle. This was her 5th trip in 1st class and she looks quite comfortable doesn't she? The upgrade was just $50 per person and we decided to spoil ourselves since it was Thanksgiving!
1st class,
photo of the week,
Thursday, November 26, 2015
A Photo a Week in 2015 - #47
This week we went to Seattle, Washington and Alexandra earned her 6th state, 17th flight and 4th visit to a Pac-12 university (she has also been on the campuses of U of A, Cal and Colorado). Alexandra loved her "Seattle Home" and especially the Christmas tree. We all enjoyed to cooler weather and the feelings of fall!
Thursday, November 19, 2015
A Photo a Week in 2015 - #46
This week's photos of the week are fun - building blocks at the library and playing with mommy's tablet and a flashlight (she is her father's daughter on that one)!
Thursday, November 12, 2015
A Photo a Week in 2015 - #45
This week's photo was taken when we stopped by Daddy's office. Clearly Alexandra was extremely busy and felt that I was interrupting her by taking this photo!
Thursday, November 5, 2015
A Photo a Week in 2015 - #44
More attempts at Halloween photos! While I did not get a good one of her trick or treating, I do have these two. The first one was taken at Todd Elementary's Trunk or Treat and the second was on Halloween.
Thursday, October 29, 2015
A Photo a Week in 2015 - #43
This week's photos include one by the beach at Grandma Sara's house, a fun picture of Alexandra playing in the grass and the sweetest moment shared between a daddy and his daughter.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
A Photo a Week in 2015 - #42
The first picture was taken at Marivel's and it is the best photo I have of Alexandra from Halloween this year. Too many came out blurry as Alexandra is always on the go. The warm weather continues and that means play time at the park after work.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
A Photo a Week in 2015 - #41
What a busy week it was! A weekend in San Diego to see Uncle Fer and Grandma Sara. The weather was HOT and so a visit to the pool at the hotel was a must for Miss Alexandra. During the middle of the week, I took a day off for my mom's birthday and got to take this sweet girl to the pumpkin patch. She was so excited that she is now 3 feet tall, but that did not mean she was ready to ride any rides other than the little train with mommy.
friends & family,
photo of the week,
pumpkin patch,
Thursday, October 8, 2015
A Photo a Week in 2015 - #40
When little girls have the sniffles, it helps to have lots of friends to keep them company! Miss Alexandra is the happiest sickie I have ever met. Even when she doesn't feel well, she can still manage to smile and be silly! This photo was taken on Saturday. It reminds me of the scene from the movie ET when he hides in the closet to keep from being discovered.
Sunday, October 4, 2015
"Name's Andra" - 2 Years 6 Months
The end of summer and her approaching 1/2 birthday seemed like a perfect time to do a real blog update. However, it is now October and I am finally posting! We certainly were busy over the nine weeks that I was on vacation, but now I have already been back to school for eight weeks.
First let me mention that we purposely did not use a nickname with Alexandra because we wanted her to choose for herself when she was older. Apparently older was this summer, because she now introduces herself as Andra. I personally love it because it is pretty and unique!
Over the summer, Andra and I took a tour of the different parks of Corona to see what we liked best. We decided the Deleo Sports Park was our favorite. It has the only covered playground and has a very nice splash pad. Plus it is in the neighborhood.
Because it was so hot during the day, we busied ourselves with indoor activities, including trips to the library, painting and reading. Now that I am back at work, we have continued evening trips to the library once a week. She loves to play with the building blocks, the horse and dinosaur figures and the puzzles. Alexandra continues to love books and has quite the library of her own. Her favorites are Dora the Explorer, Go Diego Go, Curious George, Sofia the First and Clifford the Big Red Dog. She has many books in each of those series, including some Seek & Find which she is very good at. Before bed each night we also have to read The Little Blue Truck and Little Blue Truck Leads the Way.
On a few different weekends, we took Alexandra to the beach in Redondo where Grandma Sara lives. Alexandra loved having the waves hit her feet. We also went to a park in Orange County and one in Riverside with Sara...a continuation of our summer park tour!
We took a few trips this past summer. One was to Reno to see Uncle Bob and Aunt Sarah. Along the way, we stopped at Manzanar National Historic Site, Lake Tahoe and Mammoth Mountain. It was a fun road trip and nice to see family! Another girl's trip was out to the desert in Rancho Mirage for a few days. We spent most of the time swimming - no surprise there! And in August, we took a quick weekend girl's trip to La Jolla to escape the crazy heat when it was 107 in Corona and Dave was in Vegas for a Toastmasters Convention!
Grandma Janet continues to take her to swim lessons once a week and Alexandra is very good. Her instructor even uses her as a "teacher" for others sometimes! She made a video that is posted on this blog. I am impressed at how far she has come in the last 15 months! Everywhere we went this summer, people would stop us out by the pool and comment on what a good swimmer she is.
Miss Alexandra is quite a chatter box! And sounds so grown up in some of her comments. I have started writing down some of her sentences and comments. Here are a few:
- I am not tired. I am hungry. That is all.
- Casey (the car) is clean. She is not dirty.
- I wiped my own face. Now it is all sparkly and clean!
- I want to wear the Halloween shirt. I love Halloween. It is my favorite!
In July, we transitioned Alexandra to a big girl bed. She now sleeps in a full size poster bed that was my grandmother's and thus a family heirloom. She loves it! Here is a picture of her the first time she saw her new bed. Her grandpa Stacy came to California to help move it from the guest bedroom and left her the stuffed dog as a gift. She calls it "Papi Puppy." Daddy picked out the sheets and comforter which went nicely with the orange and pink tropical theme we already had in her room.
Overall, it has been a great six months (and a little more) full of activities and growth (physically and mentally) for Miss Alexandra. As the holidays approach, I am even more excited knowing that this year she can appreciate them so much more than she did last year.
First let me mention that we purposely did not use a nickname with Alexandra because we wanted her to choose for herself when she was older. Apparently older was this summer, because she now introduces herself as Andra. I personally love it because it is pretty and unique!
Over the summer, Andra and I took a tour of the different parks of Corona to see what we liked best. We decided the Deleo Sports Park was our favorite. It has the only covered playground and has a very nice splash pad. Plus it is in the neighborhood.
Because it was so hot during the day, we busied ourselves with indoor activities, including trips to the library, painting and reading. Now that I am back at work, we have continued evening trips to the library once a week. She loves to play with the building blocks, the horse and dinosaur figures and the puzzles. Alexandra continues to love books and has quite the library of her own. Her favorites are Dora the Explorer, Go Diego Go, Curious George, Sofia the First and Clifford the Big Red Dog. She has many books in each of those series, including some Seek & Find which she is very good at. Before bed each night we also have to read The Little Blue Truck and Little Blue Truck Leads the Way.
On a few different weekends, we took Alexandra to the beach in Redondo where Grandma Sara lives. Alexandra loved having the waves hit her feet. We also went to a park in Orange County and one in Riverside with Sara...a continuation of our summer park tour!
Grandma Janet continues to take her to swim lessons once a week and Alexandra is very good. Her instructor even uses her as a "teacher" for others sometimes! She made a video that is posted on this blog. I am impressed at how far she has come in the last 15 months! Everywhere we went this summer, people would stop us out by the pool and comment on what a good swimmer she is.
Miss Alexandra is quite a chatter box! And sounds so grown up in some of her comments. I have started writing down some of her sentences and comments. Here are a few:
- I am not tired. I am hungry. That is all.
- Casey (the car) is clean. She is not dirty.
- I wiped my own face. Now it is all sparkly and clean!
- I want to wear the Halloween shirt. I love Halloween. It is my favorite!
Overall, it has been a great six months (and a little more) full of activities and growth (physically and mentally) for Miss Alexandra. As the holidays approach, I am even more excited knowing that this year she can appreciate them so much more than she did last year.
favorite things,
friends & family,
monthly update,
Thursday, October 1, 2015
A Photo a Week in 2015 - #39
This week I am including two photos since it has been a long time since I posted on time. I am attempting to catch up today while Miss Alexandra naps. The first one was taken at the library. We go in the afternoons on Mondays and she loves to play with the blocks, horses and puzzles. The second was taken last Saturday when ESPN College Game Day was live from Tucson. Alexandra and Mommy both wore red Arizona shirts. She looks good in Wildcat attire. The shirt was from Tucson thanks to Grandma Sara, who visited that day.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
A Photo a Week in 2015 - #38
This week I am sharing a video taken when Alexandra, Daddy and Grandma Janet all came down to my school, Chaparral HS, for the Homecoming football game. We had a DJ that was playing live music. Here is Miss Alexandra dancing! At halftime, I took her over to the student section so she could see the cheerleaders and the students. Fireworks were included and she had a great time!
Thursday, September 17, 2015
A Photo a Week in 2015 - #37
This week we have two photos, both taken during a visit to Redondo Beach to see Grandma Sara. Alexandra loves the ocean and had a great time getting her feet wet. After a shower, we changed her into the U of A cheerleader outfit that Grantie Lorel had bought for her. Thankfully, the Cats beat Nevada that day!
Thursday, September 10, 2015
A Photo a Week in 2015 - #36
This week's photos were taken at Deleo Sports Park. We loved to go to the playground there during the summer and this was a last summer hurrah so to speak since it was Labor Day Weekend!
Thursday, September 3, 2015
A Photo a Week in 2015 - #35
Two of my favorite photos of summer were these! The first one was taken at Tom's Farms - Alexandra's first time riding a horse on the carousel. And the second one was taken earlier that day at Redondo Beach! Miss Alexandra loved getting her feet wet. She looks so stylish here!
Thursday, August 27, 2015
A Photo a Week in 2015 - #34
This week, we went to Orange County to have lunch with Grandma Sara, Grantie Lorel, Uncle David and Don & Shirley Tobias. The other photo is just a fun one taken on a walk around the neighborhood.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
A Photo a Week in 2015 - #33
This week's photo was taken in La Jolla over the weekend. It was about 107 at home, so Grandma Janet, Alexandra and I escaped to the coast for a night. We spent much of the time in the pool.
Thursday, August 13, 2015
A Photo a Week in 2015 - #32
Friday, August 7, 2015
A Photo a Week in 2015 - #31
This week was my last of summer vacation. I sure am going to miss hanging out with Miss Andra (as she now calls herself) every day! This picture was taken today at the park (technically in week 32 so please forgive me). Andra and I have had so much fun going to the different parks in the area and the splash pad. Our favorite is Deleo which is just a few blocks from our house! At least I can still take her in the evenings and on weekends!
Thursday, July 30, 2015
A Photo a Week in 2015 - #30
This week's photo comes from Rancho Mirage. My mom, Alexandra and I spent a few nights in the desert. Most of our time was spent in the pool. Alexandra had a great time. One of the pool attendants gave her this inflatable frog for free, which she thought was pretty fun to ride around in.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Our Little Fish
This video was created by Alexandra's swim school! When we have been on vacation recently, people have stopped us to ask how old she is. When we tell them that she is 2 they are amazed! Thank you Nova Swim School!
Thursday, July 23, 2015
A Photo a Week in 2015 - #29
This week's first photo was taken while visiting my Uncle Bob and Aunt Sarah in Reno. We took a road trip that included stops at Manzanar National Historic Site, Lake Tahoe, Reno and Mammoth. The second photo is Miss Alexandra at Manzanar.
Thursday, July 16, 2015
A Photo a Week in 2015 - #28
This past weekend, we spent Sunday in Riverside with Grandma Sara. We started out at Fairmount Park, had lunch at a 1920s themed restaurant (ProAbition) and walked through the historic Mission Inn.
Thursday, July 9, 2015
A Photo a Week in 2015 - #27
This week, I am sharing one photo that was taken on the 4th of July as Miss Alexandra enjoyed a cookie and one photo from the park. We have been visiting different parks in Corona to see which one we like the best! So far we have checked out Deleo, Sycamore Creek, Jameson and El Cerrito.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
A Photo a Week in 2015 - #26
This week's photo is of her during nap time. She looked so sweet when I checked on her that I had to take and share this photo. She has been really good about taking naps this summer.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Photo Book - March to June
Turn your favorite photos into a photo book at
Thursday, June 25, 2015
A Photo a Week in 2015 - #25
This week's photos show how much Alexandra likes the water table! She has some little fish and a net. She thinks it is great fun to play with the fish (both inside and in the water table)!
backyard fun,
photo of the week,
water table
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