In June, one of our neighbor's was moving so we were able to acquire Miss A a toddler picnic table, a slide and a little kitchen. So far, she has really only played with the kitchen and she likes it. It came with tons of plastic food and cookware. She can't reach the top "cupboard" yet, but enjoys opening and closing the bottom portions. She also has a "new" water table thanks to her nanny, Marivel. We played with it the other night and she loved it.
This "month" involved a lot of travel with visits to Northern California and Nevada. We even had several little trips within Southern California.
On June 22nd, we went to visit Grandma Sara after she returned from her cruise to Iceland. We went out to brunch with her and some of her friends who were visiting.
On July 2nd, Alexandra had her 10th flight as we flew to Oakland to meet daddy and Grandma Sara for the beginning of our road trip to Redwoods National Park. For the first time, she had her own seat on the plane as it was not full. She had three more flights before we finally got home on July 11th, each time having her own seat! There is a cool website called Flight Memory that allows you to keep track of flights. By the end of her 13th flight, Miss Alexandra had flown 14,111 miles since she was born. She is definitely on track to becoming a world traveler like much of the rest of her family.
July 3rd to July 6th we were in Arcata, CA for the Troy Family Reunion. Alexandra finally got to meet her cousin Stephen and also saw all of the rest of her cousins, aunts and uncles. Cousin Darren was even there all the way from South Africa. It was a great time. Alexandra loved spending time with Grandma Sara, who rode in the back seat with her all the way to and from Arcata. Cousin Sarah introduced her to a pay phone (it might be the only one she ever sees) and helped her push her stroller around. Everyone enjoyed seeing her and how much she had grown in a year. Most of the family had not seen her in a year (except on Instagram and Facebook of course). We finally put the baby carrier to use at both airports and in the national park when we went on a short walk through the redwoods. Daddy carried her back pack style and she seemed to enjoy it!
On July 6th, we drove to San Francisco, where we spent two nights. We introduced Miss A to Ghiradelli, although she had strawberry ice cream. She did get a taste of mommy's mint chip sundae and daddy's shake. She loves ice cream!
On July 8th, Alexandra and I flew to Reno, NV to meet up with my mom and see my Uncle Bob and Aunt Sarah. We spent three nights there visiting with them, as well as going to Virginia City and Lake Tahoe. Alexandra LOVED Lake Tahoe. At first she just put her feet in, but soon it became clear she wanted to really go in, so we took off her clothes, put on her rash guard and she had a blast! While in Reno, we did lots of swimming. Alexandra LOVES swimming and is getting very good at it.
Twelve! That is the number of teeth that Miss Alexandra now has since her four 1st molars all came in. Alexandra has added a few more foods to her list including pizza. She loves fresh sliced strawberries and got upset with me the other day when I did not have any more for her.
She is now back to sleeping really well....sometimes almost 12 hours! While on vacation, she was a great sleeper because of the dark rooms. The only challenge was that she did not want to go to sleep until 10:30. We are going to have to fix that when mommy goes back to work.
Favorite things to play with include her musical teapot, credit cards (or any plastic cards in mommy or grandma's wallet for that matter), walking her stroller (so we bought her a baby doll one finally), car keys and as always her stuffed animals. I am so thankful that Alexandra loves books and hope it continues.
Alexandra has several words that she now says besides her favorites up and uh-oh that she was saying a month ago. Last night she said "ice" in context. She also is close to saying bath, dog. She says "mom" for more and "eye" for her ear. I think the letter "r" is a challenge for her. When asked, she can correctly point to her ear and tummy. She touches my eye while saying "eye." She also says "hi" while waving at people.
She is very smart. We have given her some expired cards and call them her "credit cards." The other day when she found her "card," she went and found her purse and put it in. She understood where cards go. She also can find a ball in another room. She also is quite proficient with zippers now, frequently opening both purses and her diaper bag.
Here are several more photos from this month of fun!