One more week left until Alexandra is 3 months and no longer a "newborn." Next weeks blog post will be on Sunday for her 3 month and Father's Day! You can tell by the number of photos in this post that it was a busy week!
About Alexandra: Alexandra is such a sweet girl. Except for a few fussy moments, she is generally happy and calm. I can easily tell when she is either tired or going through a growth spurt based on her demeanor. That is really the only time she is fussy. There is another growth spurt/mental leap at week 12 which allows her to lean more skills.
She is a very good sleeper. On average she is now sleeping 7-8 hours at night, going to bed around 10 and waking at 6. We love that she is sleeping through the night. She is still in our room in a pack n play. Soon we will be trying to move her to her own room and crib, but not quite yet.
She got more presents this week as Dave's co-worker Peggy sent a stuffed dog, two books, a blanket and a picture frame. Here she is with the gift that is bigger than she is!
Her head control is getting better and better. Here she is watching The Voice with us! She loves the music! Most of the time she just cuddles with one of us, so its not really "watching" but more listening.
Alexandra says, "look mommy I can hold my own bottle!"
What's New: Alexandra dipped her feet in the pool for the first time last Saturday night. We think she liked it. She did not cry or fuss about having her feet in the pool. We will soon be putting on her swimsuit and trying to get more of her body wet.
During "Tummy Time" on Thursday, Alexandra rolled from her tummy to her side twice. She has not yet rolled from her tummy to her back. She also really laughed for the first time this week. Grandma watched her all week while I had to work and said she laughed many times, but I heard the laugh for myself on Thursday.
Alexandra loves apple juice! Her doctor told us to give her water to help with some constipation that she was experiencing. She did not care for that. So he told us to also try a 50-50 mixture of water and apple juice. She drinks that right down. She gets 2 oz in the morning and 2 in the afternoon.
While she had previously batted at some objects on her play mat, she is now focusing more on objects. In her bouncy seat, we put on the attachment that has fish and water. It has bubbles and makes noises too. She spends several minutes just enthralled. And now she kicks at the fish that dangles down from the bar.
Visitors: Alexandra attended her first party last Saturday. It was Cameron's first birthday and her chance to meet our good friends Kari and Russell (Cameron's parents) and Angelo.
Today was a big day for Alexandra. This morning she met "Zuzu" who is just 6 days younger than her. She is the daughter of another "after loss" lady (Megan) that I met a year ago before we were both pregnant. It was fun to have breakfast with her and her family.
Then this evening she met several of mommy and daddy's friends at a Crawfish Boil at Kylie and Steve's house. They have a new little boy (Taylor) who is just 5 weeks older than Alexandra and it was nice for them to finally meet each other. Other people that Alexandra got to meet included: Alisa (in whose arms she fell asleep), Lory, Brian, Tracy, Gail, Patrick, Laurel, Cari, Wayne, Joan, and Sippi. It was nice to see our friends and all were excited to meet our little girl.
Needless to say, Alexandra went right to sleep when we got home as she was worn out by all her adventures and the new people she met!
Mommy: I went back to work this week. It was nice to see my students and fellow teachers, but I sure did not miss the stress and politics. At least I only had to do so for this week, plus Monday and then I am off for another 2 months.
Photos: Here is our little cutie at 12 weeks!
Additional Photos:
These photos were taken last Saturday which was technically on her 11 weeks exactly, but they were taken after I posted so are included with this weeks blog!